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For each of the following questions, please indicate your level of agreement using the scale provided:

Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neutral Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
* 1. People in this organization attempt to build themselves up by tearing others down.
* 2. There has always been an influential group in this department that no one ever crosses.
* 3. Employees are encouraged to speak out frankly even when they are critical of well-established ideas.
* 4. There is no place for “yes-men” around here; good ideas are desired even if it means disagreeing with superiors.
* 5. Agreeing with powerful others is the best alternative in this organization.
* 6. It is best not to rock the boat in this organization.
* 7. Sometimes it is easier to remain quiet than to fight the system.
* 8. Telling others what they want to hear is sometimes better than telling the truth.
* 9. It is safer to think what you are told than to make up your own mind.
* 10. Since I have worked in this department, I have never seen the pay and promotion policies applied politically.
* 11. I can't remember when a person received a pay increase or promotion that was inconsistent with the published policies.
* 12. None of the raises I have received are consistent with the policies on how raises should be determined.
* 13. The stated pay and promotion policies have nothing to do with how pay raises and promotions are determined.
* 14. When it comes to pay raise and promotion decisions, policies are irrelevant.
* 15. Promotions around here are not valued much because how they are determined is so political.
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